Sweet taste of theatre for Baby's big return

Dirty Dancing rockDirty Dancing rock
Dirty Dancing rock
How do you celebrate one of the biggest films of all time returning to the stage in Blackpool? With watermelon flavoured rock of course! ANNA CRYER reports

Blackpool’s famous sticks of rock have been made in all kinds of flavours over the years; chicken tikka, pizza and scrumpy cider to name but a few.

But the latest creation off the production line at Rock Candy Factory at Chapel Street has been one of the trickiest to date – a watermelon rock.

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Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story On Stage launched its latest UK tour at the resort venue last August, and to mark its return to the Opera House later this month, the Winter Gardens has specially commissioned a brand new design of the sweet treat.

Dirty Dancing rockDirty Dancing rock
Dirty Dancing rock

Inspired by one of the 1980s’ cult flick’s best known quotes: “I carried a watermelon” - uttered by the story’s young heroine Baby when she awkwardly meets the devastatingly handsome Johnny.

The green and yellow exterior of the rock is a fairly traditional striped design, but the inside of the crisp shell hides a new look – unique to this stick, which is also watermelon flavoured.Rock Candy Factory administrator Ann-Mari Burgoyne said: “The Dirty Dancing rock is a first, in that we’ve never done a pink centre. We don’t usually do promotional rock with a pink centre as it doesn’t usually come out that clear.

“But when the Winter Gardens asked, we said we’d try it and it’s come out really well. The black Dirty Dancing lettering stands out in the pink like watermelon pips, but can still be read.”She said each of the black letters running through the rock is actually coated in a white layer to help make it stand out.

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Winter Gardens marketing manager Anthony Williams said: “To celebrate the returning of Dirty Dancing to Blackpool, along with the producers we commissioned a limited edition ‘Watermelon themed Blackpool Rock’ which will be available to purchase from the Opera House during the run later this month.

Dirty Dancing rockDirty Dancing rock
Dirty Dancing rock

“Dirty Dancing has proven a huge hit playing to over 20,000 in Blackpool alone during its initial run with the forthcoming dates set to entertain thousands more.”n Dirty Dancing Aug 29- Sep 2. Go to www.wintergardensblackpool.co.uk