Letters - October 26, 2017

Who won the last election? Have Jeremy Corbyn's supporters got a little carried away?Who won the last election? Have Jeremy Corbyn's supporters got a little carried away?
Who won the last election? Have Jeremy Corbyn's supporters got a little carried away?
Repellent vision for a divided society

The adulation of Jeremy Corbyn by many of the young is puzzling.

He is not particularly intelligent and he lacks charisma. His politics are a recital of dreary discredited Marxist clichés that are very unoriginal. He represents policies that have failed miserably wherever they have been tried. They have also inflicted misery and appalling hardship on millions.

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Corbyn has aligned himself to a like-minded group of hard-left rebels, not one of whom has achieved anything noteworthy. They project themselves as a community of virtue in a world in which the forces that support the poor are in a constant fight with the evil forces of the usual targets: global banks, imperialists, Zionists, the media and Tories.

These are all portrayed as rapacious demons, to use Lenin’s phrase.

Compromise with such forces is, of course, unthinkable. Corbyn and his cohorts are projected as messianic figures of salvation. Unlimited free welfare is offered to all.

It is staggering that such a false vision of society has captured the Labour Party, a Party that for the first time ever is deeply unpatriotic and one that cares little for our institutions and traditions. It even makes friends with our enemies.

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A major and deeply worrying aspect of Corbyn’s message to the young is his belief that the individual is never at fault.

He rejects the notion embedded in Christian morality that evil is to be found in us. In brief he rejects humility.

He argues we are innocent, it is the wicked bankers, capitalists, Tories and Zionists who are the sinners.

It is a repellent recipe for social division. It is extremely dangerous.

Dr Barry Clayton

Thornton Cleveleys


Tackle basic problems first

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Can I add my support to the critical comments from Susan Alexander and Clifford Chambers regarding the state of Blackpool these days (Your Say, 18 and 20 October).

The council is spending £22m on the tram extension from north Pier to North station and this might be a total white elephant if visitors stay away because they find the town dirty and intimidating.

Grandiose (and some might say vanity) schemes are not the answer to Blackpool’s problems.

Councillors need to take off their rose tinted glasses and start to tackle the basic issues identified by Susan Alexander. Only then will we have a clean safe and welcoming town that people want to return to.

Alex Jackson

Westgate Road
St Annes


EU saga’s like
a soap opera

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Well, it was hardly worth the wait, was it, for Theresa May’s much-vaunted address to the other 27 EU nations? Our Prime Minister went over to Brussels wearing her ‘kitten-heel’ shoes to try and inject life into the stalled EU negotiations. We were led to believe that there would be a new energy and purpose, but what did we actually get ?

There were the usual insincere handshakes and predictable statements as both sides pronounced that progress had been made, but not enough to discuss trade, and so the next round of talks would resume in December. Is this their definition of progress? So where are we now, 16 months on from EU referendum? Apart from triggering Article 50, we are no further forward.

This is becoming like a soap opera as, week after week, we hear the same old bilge.

This was supposed to be an important process that would shape Britain’s destiny in a world without the EU. All we have had are unreasonable demands as the EU struts around like the beach bully, kicking sand in our faces.

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Michel Barnier demands a ‘divorce’ bill that Britain is not legally obliged to pay and deals with the British protests with a Gallic shrug of his shoulders as he says “Non!” How much longer will we have to put with this intransigence? It would be in the best interests for Britain and the EU to reach a sensible deal, that is beneficial and reasonable for both sides.

But we are not dealing with reasonable people.

How can we possibly negotiate when we are not even allowed to say no?

No deal would not be the end of world for Britain, nor would it be anywhere near as bad as what Barnier and his cohorts are offering.

One more thing, what was Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer doing in Brussels?

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No doubt trying to influence affairs that are no concern of theirs.

This is the real Labour position on Europe!

Treachery and Treason with a capital T, as they connive with Brussels.

This is not what more than 17 million people voted for last year.

Theresa May has a task to complete. It is time she asserted herself by stomping those kitten-heeled shoes on the EU and on some of the more treacherous members in her cabinet.

Enough is enough.

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Time to walk away now, before it is too late. If the EU won’t talk, then Britain has to walk !

Will Heyes

via email


There’s enough noise in the world

As we drive past the anti fracking protesters on Blackpool Road, we are invited to honk to show support.

I don’t honk - there’s enough noise around in our world already.

Mr P Webberley

Cedar Avenue