The UK's top 20 telly spoilers

Spoiler alert: if you've not watched your Game of Thrones box set yet, or are wondering if Den and Angie are going to have a Merry Christmas, best stop reading now.

A new poll has revealed the top 20 biggest "spoiler risk" TV moments of all time.

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If you have a fear of chatter from colleagues or social media discussion ruining your favourite show, you're not alone - a quarter (26 per cent) of Brits avoid news websites entirely, in case an errant headline tells them more than they wanted to know.

And half of the nation’s telly fans have had a top show ‘spoiled’ – by a friend, colleague, relative or social media accidentally revealing the ending, a study found.

The Virgin Media study found that (drum roll, look away now) the revelation that Jon Snow is alive in Game of Thrones was the biggest “spoiler risk” TV moment of all time.

It's clear that some TV fans have long memories (or really hold onto grudges), as Eastenders took second place with the 2001 storyline where Kat Slater revealed she is Zoe Slater's mother.

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