Warning over gangs using scam emails

Coun Janice HansonCoun Janice Hanson
Coun Janice Hanson
Criminals are sending out scam emails in a bid to get hold of residents’ personal and financial information.

Lancashire Council trading standards officers have warned that the emails appear genuine and claim to be connected with recented purchases made by the recipient.

The emails invite the recipient to open an attachment which they falsely claim contains more details on the items they have bought. Janice Hanson, county council cabinet member for public protection, said: “These emails are designed to play on people’s curiosity and to get them to download the attachment.

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“Our advice is very straightforward, if you receive an email about a purchase you don’t recognise or know anything about, don’t open the attachment.”

Anyone affected by scams of any type can report it to Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06.