Lytham man's thanks after 10k run boosts brain tumour charity

Participants taking part in the 10k run in LythamParticipants taking part in the 10k run in Lytham
Participants taking part in the 10k run in Lytham
A Lytham man on a quest to raise funds for a brain tumour charity has now reached more than £11,000 after pals joined him in a 10k run.

Elliott Dalgleish 27, was moved to support Brain Tumour Research by the bravery of his older sister.

Mum-of-two Natalie Hazeldine, 29, of Brook Road, Lytham, was told by doctors before Christmas she has a brain tumour.

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Natalie and husband Tom are the parents of youngsters Barnie, aged 19 months, and 10 month year old Winnie.

Natalie Hazeldine and brother Elliott DalglieshNatalie Hazeldine and brother Elliott Dalgliesh
Natalie Hazeldine and brother Elliott Dalgliesh

The diagnosis came as a terrible shock to Natalie and her family and spurred plumber Elliott, of Ballam Road, to back the charity, which conducts research and raises awareness of the disease and is also striving to find a cure for the illness.

On Saturday almost 25 runners, all of them attired in pink running tops specially made for the event, took part in the 10k run between Lytham Windmill and Fairhaven Lake.

Elliott said: "I'd like to thank everyone who took part and made such a massive effort.

"The turn-out on the day and the amount raised means a lot.

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"I'm going to keep the fundraising page open for the rest of the year and try and raise as much as possible.

"I wanted to try and do something positive and I'm grateful for everyone who has helped me."

The total raised so far is £11,345.

Natalie, who found out she had the tumour after suffering severe headaches last year, will be having more chemotherapy in the months ahead.

Another pal raising money for the charity is Tom Higham, 27, of Nelson Street, Lytham, who organised an online £5-a-go draw in which the prize was a week’s stay in a cottage next to Lake Coniston in the Lake District.

He said: "We managed to raise more than £1,000 and we added that to Elliot's fund - people have been very kind."

The fundraising page is at