No more free goes at town centre loo as plans as passed for TWO metre high fence and turnstile

The toilets will get a new enclosure to stop people holding or propping the doors openThe toilets will get a new enclosure to stop people holding or propping the doors open
The toilets will get a new enclosure to stop people holding or propping the doors open
A 'secure enclosure' will be built at the chargable public toilets in Blackpool's Central Car Park to stop people 'having a free go'.

The loos, next to New Bonny Street in the town centre, are to get a two-metre high enclosure and turnstile, as well as disabled access.

Papers filed with the town hall, where planners granted Danfo permission, said the move would stop people propping or holding doors open so others don’t have to pay.

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A report said: “A flood of free goes inevitably makes the facility uneconomical. In order to maintain the facility costs need to be covered and thus to overcome the free go status quo a secure enclosure with a turnstile enclosure has been proposed to ensure tariffs are paid on entry to the enclosure.”

Access for emergency services would be kept, however.

CCTV will be installed to watch the enclosure.

Earlier this year, The Gazette revealed how new toilets are set to open in Blackpool, while less popular ones will be closed down.

The council negotiated a new contract with provider Danfo in order to better meet demand from people needing to spend a penny.

The operator will be able to charge 30p, up from 20p, but no more than 50p.

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New lavatories will be provided at Central Pier, Flagstaff Gardens in South Shore and within the Talbot Gateway, while a larger facility will be provided at Victoria Street.

But provision at Central Car Park will be reduced from 18 to 12 toilets, and toilets at Starr Gate, Gateway, Bethesda Square, Highfield Road, Cocker Square, Bispham Village and Lytham Road will be either relocated or closed.

A council report says the contract re-negotiation “will result in a number of new public conveniences in high footfall areas”.

Proposals were lodged with the council seeking planning permission for the new toilets at Flagstaff Gardens.

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Currently there are no public loos on the Promenade between Starr Gate and Central Pier which has prompted complaints about a lack of facilities for visitors.

The new contract also means the council will make savings of £246,000 during the current financial year, and a further saving of £170,000 by 2032.

The contract for Danfo to provide public toilets in Blackpool was first agreed in 2002.

It resulted in a £3m investment in toilets across the resort over an 18-month period.

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As part of negotiations for the new contract, chiefs looked at which existing toilets were under-used and which areas needed new conveniences.

The aim is to ensure facilities are provided for both residents and visitors in areas of high footfall.

The Flagstaff Gardens site was previously home to the council operated Carnesky’s Ghost Train which closed in 2014 and was later dismantled.

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