New look for town gateway

New lamp posts on The Crescent, St AnnesNew lamp posts on The Crescent, St Annes
New lamp posts on The Crescent, St Annes
A new street lighting scheme is brightening a vital gateway to St Annes '“ and providing the prospect of a boost to business.

Decorative columns and lanterns installed on The Crescent have been designed and commissioned to match those already installed around other parts of the town centre.

They have replaced columns which were installed in the 1960s on the road which leads into town from the M55 and the street lighting revamp is set to continue into adjoining St Andrew’s Road North and South.

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The lion’s share of the £50,000 funding for the scheme has come from planning gain money generated by various housing developments in town, with Lancashire County Council and St Annes Town Council also contributing.

The hope is that the new look will attract more visitors on foot to The Crescent and adjoining shopping streets.

The 14 columns are topped with illuminated spikes designed to match those already located at the Clifton Drive end of St Annes Square.

Paul Drinnan, Fylde Council’s regeneration and urban design manager, said: “The aim is that the new scheme will help draw The Crescent and St Andrew’s Road into the town centre by unifying the overall design.

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“The columns have also been designed to accommodate decorative banners or hanging baskets and sockets installed to enable Christmas decorations to be displayed.