Flagship pond gets a makeover

Linden Pond conservation day in BisphamLinden Pond conservation day in Bispham
Linden Pond conservation day in Bispham
A Bispham '˜Flagship Pond', which is recognised nationally for its biodiversity, has been given a makeover thanks to a team of volunteers and ecological officers.

The Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail (NBPT) joined staff from Groundwork and the Fresh Water Habitats Trust – and even Monty the dog! –to carry out conservation work at Linden Pond, off Canada Crescent.

The pond is one of 70 Flagship Pond sites across England and Wales chosen by the Freshwater Habitats Trust for its national importance.

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Pauline Taylor, senior ecological officer for Groundwork Cheshire, Lancashire and Merseyside, said: “Linden Pond has been recognised as a really good pond for its biodiversity and quality of water.

“There are a lot of important plant species and beetles, which means its biodiversity is very high.”

Two conservation days were held on November 19 and November 29 at Linden Pond, which saw NBPT volunteers, Groundwork officers and Anne Heathcote, project officer for Fresh Water Habitats Trust, cut back overgrown willow, which was then used to build habitat piles by the side of the pond.

Pauline said: “As part of the Heritage Lottery Flagship Ponds Programme, we were able to carry out pond management days.

“It was a beautiful day on Wednesday.

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“We cleared willow which was quite overgrown as we needed some open water.

“It was a great day.

“It is exciting to be working with Freshwater Habitats Trust again.

“North Blackpool Pond Trail has some very special ponds and we are pleased to be recognised by Freshwater Habitats Trust as part of their ‘Flagship Ponds’ project. “These are the very best of Britain’s Priority Ponds.

“It has been a great partnership and we hope it will continue.”

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A spokesman for the Fresh Water Habitats Trust said: “Flagship Ponds are the very best of Britain’s Priority Ponds; sites of national importance because of the threatened species or communities they support.”

The Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail is looking for more volunteers to join the group.

They meet every Thursday throughout the year to carry out pond and woodland management.

Pauline added: “A lot of the work is around Kincraig Lake and Robin’s Lane in Bispham.

“We meet every Thursday from 10am until 3pm.

“People can join us for the whole day or just an hour.

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“It’s a great opportunity to learn about conservation, especially for anyone considering a career change. It’s a really nice thing to do.”

To become a volunteer, contact Pauline on (01253) 345445 or email [email protected]