Lord Street attack: three men sentenced after robbery in Blackpool hotel

Three men have been sentenced after an attack and robbery in a Blackpool hotel in Lord Street.
Anthony Emery.Anthony Emery.
Anthony Emery.

Declan Tarrant, 23, of no fixed address, and Anthony Emery, 22, of Dawlish Avenue, Blackpool, were jailed for a total of more than 14 years at Preston Crown Court on Wednesday, July 24.

Ryan Sutherland, 23, of Moor Park Avenue, Blackpool, was given a community order.

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Anthony Emery.Anthony Emery.
Anthony Emery.

The men were arrested earlier this year following an incident at Trades Hotel in Lord Street.

Police were called around 5.50am on February 8 after reports a 59-year-old man had been attacked in his hotel room by several men.

The men took two mobile phones, and the victim suffered serious head and facial injuries.

Tarrant, Emery and Sutherland were charged, with Tarrant and Emery pleading guilty to robbery and Sutherland pleading guilty to handling stolen goods.

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Declan Tarrant.Declan Tarrant.
Declan Tarrant.

Tarrant was jailed for eight years and three months, Emery sentenced to six years in prison and Sutherland handed a 12 month community order.

Det Con Matt Moore, of Blackpool CID, said: “This was a terrifying attack which left the victim with a number of serious injuries.

“Tarrant and Emery targeted the victim, following him to his hotel room before carrying out a vicious assault. The pair’s attack, all for two mobile phones, was callous and sickening. The victim suffered serious injuries, including fractures to his head and face, as well as a bleed on the brain. He continues to recover from his ordeal.

“Sutherland was later found to have handled one of the mobile phones and was convicted for his part in the crime.

“We welcome the result from court, with two dangerous individuals handed lengthy prison sentences.”