Investigation after window on police van smashed in Fleetwood

An investigation has been launched after an emergencyvehicle was damaged in Fleetwood, say police.An investigation has been launched after an emergencyvehicle was damaged in Fleetwood, say police.
An investigation has been launched after an emergencyvehicle was damaged in Fleetwood, say police.
An investigation has been launched after an emergency vehicle was damaged in Fleetwood, say police.

Officers say there were attending another incident in the vicinity of Saint John Avenue at around midnight on Monday.

They returned to find a window on their vehicle had been smashed.

Police are now appealing for help in their investigation.

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A spokesman for the police said: "Emergency vehicle damaged and now off the road.

"The Incident occurred on Saint John Avenue. Anyone with information please get in touch."

Contact police on 101 or alternatively or via their ‘contact an officer’ link online, directing your message to PC 1999 Impett.