Are you recycling all you can?

Coun Janice HansonCoun Janice Hanson
Coun Janice Hanson
People on the Fylde coast are being urged to recycle the forgotten items that often end up in their general waste bin.

National Recycle Week began yesterday and aims to get everyone to think about what else they could be recycling besides what they usually do for their weekly refuse collection.

Coun Janice Hanson, cabinet member for public protection and waste at Lancashire County Council, said: “People in Lancashire have an excellent track record for recycling, but there’s always more you can do.

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Recycling is not just for the kitchen, there is so much more you can recycle upstairs, downstairs, outside and in the garage.

“Items like bleach bottles, toilet roll tubes and deodorant cans are often forgotten, but can all go in your recycling bin.

“Remember that unless you recycle it, it can’t go on to become something else.”